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Future of powerbasic

Started by Sutthisak Phongthanapanic, September 01, 2013, 12:10:38 PM

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Marc Giao

I am not sure what he's thinking but I don't see those as viable options... I can find no good reason why they'd be interested ::).

Quote from: Israel Vega on October 30, 2013, 09:44:41 PM
PowerBasic may be sold? ... I find it interesting the comment from Chris:


Brice Manuel

Contrary to Steve's claims, nobody is complaining about the events after Bob died.  Everybody was VERY understanding and patient after Bob died.  People are complaining about the exact same events happening again after Jim's car accident.  For the same events to be happening twice in one year, shows that PB Inc. did NOT learn any lessons after Bob died.

QuoteThey are definitely competing against themselves with the lower price versions.  It would be different if they were crippled products, but they are not, and are full-fledged old versions.  Usually a competitor is the person who tries to undercut you, you don't try to undercut yourself.
I had a nasty email asking me to defend this comment.  In one of the posts Chris deleted, he claimed it was his idea to sell PB 8 for $29.  This was an idea that was NOT well-thought out and is VERY damaging to the company because it undermines their entire pricing structure.  Lets look at the site:


PB 10 is $199.00

PB 9 is $99.00 and you can upgrade to PB 10 for $99.00 which makes PB 10 cost $1.00 less by upgrading than buying PB 10 straight out.

PB 8 costs $29.00 and you can upgrade to PB 10 for $129.00 which makes PB 10 cost $158.00 by upgrading.

So this idea to sell PB 8 so cheap only caused PB to compete against itself, as now you can buy PB 10 for $41 cheaper instead of paying full price for it.  Yes, you are selling PB 8 for $29.00, but by doing so, you are now also selling PB 10 for $158.00.  This is why I said PB is undercutting itself.

Quote from: Israel Vega on October 30, 2013, 09:44:41 PM
PowerBasic may be sold? ... I find it interesting the comment from Chris:
The best thing Chris can do to help PowerBASIC is quit trying to be a know-it-all and a big shot and shut up and let PowerBASIC handle things on their own.  He does not work for PowerBASIC.  All Chris is doing is making things worse for PowerBASIC and its users.

Like, Theo, I like Chris and I like his products, but he has been a bit too big for his britches lately on the other forum.  He needs to back off and let PB handle things on their own and not be a buttinski as he will only make things worse.

QuoteI am not sure what he's thinking but I don't see those as viable options... I can find no good reason why they'd be interested.
The products themselves would not be useful to either company.  Neither company targets people using BASIC languages.

Mike Mayerhoffer

ME thinks -either a certain server is playing trick or treat or Sunday arrived early in FLA.

This whole thing is beyond painful to watch.

Albert Richheimer

Hello to all

I believe this is my first posting in this fine forum.  Hope José won't mind that I am starting right away with a problem. To my impression this issue is indeed related to the future of PB.

I have noticed that the PB Forum has been down for several times. And, worst of all, now I am locked out of the PB forum.  the forum software states that I am not allowed to reply to a posting nor it allows the Quote-function. Also there is a php error message on the bottom of the page.

I tried to contact support@powerbasic.com, but - not really surprising to me - there is no reply up to now.

For me it is kind of frightening that the vast amount of brain power of the PB forum community may be lost at some point. I even don't have access the the source code, as for copying the Quote button is needed.

What are your thoughts about this. And, BTW, have got a hint to whom I need to get in contact in order to resolve the PB login issue?

Best regards
Albert Richheimer
,,Let the machine do the dirty work."

Mike Mayerhoffer


Rodney H.  on PB forums  -  said he has had the same issue using Firefox and java asked me to redirect you,  it may or may not be a fix for you it did fix the same problem for him.

Server is up now !


Quote from: Albert Richheimer on October 31, 2013, 08:23:48 AM
Hello to all

I believe this is my first posting in this fine forum.  Hope José won't mind that I am starting right away with a problem. To my impression this issue is indeed related to the future of PB.

I have noticed that the PB Forum has been down for several times. And, worst of all, now I am locked out of the PB forum.  the forum software states that I am not allowed to reply to a posting nor it allows the Quote-function. Also there is a php error message on the bottom of the page.

I tried to contact support@powerbasic.com, but - not really surprising to me - there is no reply up to now.

For me it is kind of frightening that the vast amount of brain power of the PB forum community may be lost at some point. I even don't have access the the source code, as for copying the Quote button is needed.

What are your thoughts about this. And, BTW, have got a hint to whom I need to get in contact in order to resolve the PB login issue?

Best regards
Albert Richheimer

Albert Richheimer

Quote from: Mike Mayerhoffer on October 31, 2013, 09:17:44 AMRodney H.  on PB forums  -  said he has had the same issue using Firefox and java asked me to redirect you,  it may or may not be a fix for you it did fix the same problem for him.
Thanks Mike for your reply. Now I have restarted Firefox in "w/o Add-ons mode", as Rodney Hicks suggested, but I am still locked out from PB.

,,Let the machine do the dirty work."

Jim Dunn

some of us have been locked out of the PowerBASIC site for 2 months now...

Albert Richheimer

Quote from: Jim Dunn on October 31, 2013, 05:53:43 PM
some of us have been locked out of the PowerBASIC site for 2 months now...
I believe I know by now what has happened. As I didn't get any notifications on subscripted topis, I have changed my mail address in the personal settings to another (valid) address.  Usually there is a confirmation mail withe a clickable link in order ti re-activate the account. But I never got such an email. I suspect that the forum's SMTP is broken.

,,Let the machine do the dirty work."

Brice Manuel

Quote from: Jim Dunn on October 31, 2013, 05:53:43 PM
some of us have been locked out of the PowerBASIC site for 2 months now...
Quit whining.  I have been banned for a couple of years now.  LOL

Jim Dunn

ah... you might be right... I updated my email address too, 2 months ago... right before I was locked out...

Theo Gottwald

Quote from: Israel Vega on October 30, 2013, 09:44:41 PM
PowerBasic may be sold? ... I find it interesting the comment from Chris:


If so they will just be interested in the custoimer base, to send us spam for their current products.
I doubt they will employ somebody to continue the product line.

@Patrice: As you know ... hehehe

Theo Gottwald

Marc Giao

I may be mistaken but Chris' forum appears to have been vacuumed... Many of his recent PowerBASIC threads seem to have disappeared. Can anyone confirm I am not imagining this?
