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Equivalent of PB IsFalse operator

Started by Chris Chancellor, November 30, 2018, 01:01:43 AM

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Chris Chancellor

Hello Charles

do you have a macro that can do a similar function as the PB's  IsFalse operator ?

please refer to https://forum.powerbasic.com/forum/announcements-articles-and-support-faqs/pbwin-online-help-and-commentary/57595-isfalse-and-istrue-operators

i tried to replace it with NOT  and was not sucessful?

Brian Alvarez

Did you try encapsulating the value?

IF NOT (Statement + Statement) THEN


Charles Pegge

You can directly substitute IsFalse with not :)

if not a=b then ...

Patrice Terrier

The use of PB's IsFalse / IsTrue is a waste of time.

Zero is Always FALSE, while any other value is TRUE.
The NOT operator convert ZERO to -1, while NOT -1 = ZERO.
Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)

Charles Pegge

In o2, the conditional not is a boolean rather than a bitwise operator. It inverts the logic of any expression that follows it. The grammar is imperfect but it supports very concise conditionals:

int a
if a

if not a

translates to:

cmp a,0
jz  fwd _end_cnd

'if not
cmp a,0
jnz  fwd _end_cnd

Chris Chancellor

Thanxx a lot Charles

It makes more sense to use O2 than the ancient PB