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PB10 - Spinner control

Started by Patrice Terrier, April 12, 2011, 09:41:01 AM

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Patrice Terrier

Meditation, will lead you to God's karma...

No screen shot, you wil have to try it, to figure out :)

Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)

Patrice Terrier

The Zen man, is nice to tell your user that he must wait a little...

Butterfly, would always pleased to the ladies.

And spiral_knot, are for the geek like myself.

Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)

Brice Manuel

These are amazing, Patrice.  Awesome work!

Theo Gottwald

Karma ... Zen. Are we going the spiritual way, Patrice?
Your Work is awesome as always.

PS: Don't try to improve, in your expertise you have reached a level that you can not beat.

Patrice Terrier

Brice, Theo,


I should have some more on my back burner...
Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)

Patrice Terrier

As an answer to Randall Glass

Here is a transparent png, using variable opacity, to use it, just drag and drop "broken_glass.png" onto FWS.exe.
In order to get rid of it, select the image, then press the ESCAPE key, or ALT-F4.

By the way that shows you that FWS.exe is able to display static image as well as animation, as long as the image fit within a square (same width and height).

Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)

Patrice Terrier

Here is a melting pot:

  • GreenEffect
  • LightDrop
  • PleaseWait
  • Shade01
  • Shade02
  • Shade03
  • Water01

Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)

Brice Manuel

Jean-Pierre Leroy

Hi Patrice,

I would like to know where I can find the latest version of your Spinner Control.

Did you encountered some issues using it with Windows 10 ?


Patrice Terrier

Jean Pierre

What's your problem with Windows 10 ?

Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)

Jean-Pierre Leroy

I use the Spinner control on Windows 10 with a dual screen:

- When hParent value is 0 the animation is displayed everytime (perfect) but on the main screen (which is normal).

- When hParent is the handle of the main form of my application, the animation is not displayed everytime: sometimes yes sometimes no; I don't know why.

PS: I use the Spinner control with FireFly; I don't know if that could be related or not.


Patrice Terrier


I am using nothing fancy, just the regular MoveWindow API to center the spinner control within the window rectangle of its parent like this:

       IF ghWnd THEN
          LOCAL rw AS RECT
          CALL GetWindowRect(hParent, rw)
          CALL MoveWindow(ghWnd, rw.nLeft + ((rw.nRight - rw.nLeft - gnH) * 0.5), rw.nTop + ((rw.nBottom - rw.nTop - gnH) * 0.5), gnH, gnH, 0)

          SELECT CASE LONG gnFrameCount ' Compute animation's speed
          CASE < 4:  gnUseSpeed = 300
          CASE < 8:  gnUseSpeed = 200
          CASE < 12: gnUseSpeed = 150
          CASE < 20: gnUseSpeed = 100
          CASE ELSE: gnUseSpeed = 60
          END SELECT
          CALL SetTimer(ghWnd, 1, gnUseSpeed * 0.5, %NULL)
       END IF

ghWnd is the handle of the spinner control, while hParent is the handle of the parent being used when you call zSpinnerInit.

I have no idea of what FireFly is doing, i stop using it since the introduction of the CWindow class that also breaks the WinLIFT code.

No problem by me with multiple monitors, but i am using the one from GDImage (ZI_SpinnerInit) that is a regular DLL.

The best i can do, is to send you the source code that was used to create the SLL.

To detect if that is a FireFly problem or not, just create an empty window with a single button to fire the control once you have moved the main window to the secondary display.

Also you must be aware that there is a random memory error with the latest PB's version that has never been fixed.


Patrice Terrier
GDImage (advanced graphic addon)

Jean-Pierre Leroy

Patrice thank you for you answer.

I made the test with an empty window with a single button to fire the control: it works  :)

So It could be something else in my source code  ;D
